Najyomo photo club official HP

about Najyomo photoclub

“Najomo” means “Welcome, as you like it” in the Niigata dialect.
This time, at the request of railway photographer Naoto Kotake, a photography club was formed in December 2023 by photographers who love Uonuma’s climate and the Tadami Line, mainly photography enthusiasts living in Uonuma.
The chairman is Masaaki Hoshino, a domestic of Uonuma. He has a gentle personality and his home is near Yabukami Station, so he is actively engaged in creative activities with the theme of railway photos that can be taken on foot. On the other hand, we also have members from Tokyo and Gunma prefectures.
Our photography club is always looking for members, regardless of where they live, so if you are interested, please contact Mr. Kotake, Chairman Hoshino, or the contact form below.

Producer photographer Naoto Kotake

Naoto Kotake

Born in Niigata Prefecture in 1969. Graduated from Japan Newart College of Photography in 1991. He studied under photojournalist Kenji Higuchi. Since 1990, he has been reporting on steam locomotives all over China, and from 2012 to 2017 he photographed the remains of the Manchurian Railway along the China-North Korea border and the China-Russia border. In recent years, he has been busy photographing trains in his hometown of Niigata and nearby prefectures. His series “Primitive Railway” has been published 200 times in the Niigata Nippo morning edition, and he has continued to visit railroads around the country. His recent books include “Border Railway: Visiting the Seven Bridges of the Manchurian Railway” (Enishi Shobo). He plans and manages group exhibitions as the head of the “Kasha Photographers Group” for railway photography enthusiasts.

Introduction of Chairman “Masaaki Hoshino”

Welcome to Uonuma, Nice to meet you, it is with great pride that I have been appointed as Chairman. . I am from Uonuma City, Niigata Prefecture, and my parents’ house is near Yabukami Station. I have fond memories of commuting to school in a five-car train pulled by a steam locomotive when I was a student.
Times have changed, and the Tadami Line was cut off due to the unforgettable Niigata heavy rain disaster in July 2011, making it impossible to travel to Aizuwakamatsu in Fukushima Prefecture. Is it going to continue down the path of abandonment of Tadami line? We cannot afford to abandon this unexplored line, which has a magnificent view that has been created by the local area.
As a movement on Uonuma’s side, we hold the `”Dandan Domo Tadami Line Genki Conference”, and “Tadami line nan to ka kai” that is promoting the use of the Tadami Line by Eri Sato who is charmann.
The efforts were rewarded, and those plots were republished in October 2022. I want everyone to know more about the charm of the Tadami Line,espesially Uonuma, so I’m using my pen as a camera.

Masaaki Hoshino

Inauguration ceremony

In December 2023, we held a union ceremony at a soba restaurant in Uonuma.

Front left: Mr. Kotake / Back right: Chairman Hoshino
Women’s photographer trio

Reasons for holding a photo exhibition

Q)I’ll ask the Professor Kotake. Nowadays, with the development of SNS, it is now easy to show off our own photos online.
On the other hand, please tell us why you dare to hold a photo exhibition.


That’s a good question!
Since the film photo era, photography has been a medium that can be completed by printing. Nowadays, with the development of digital cameras, it is convenient for anyone to take ultra-high-precision photos, so I think we should print more and display them.

Photo exhibition information

2nd Najomo Club Photo Exhibition @ Niigata Nippo Media Ship (ended)

It ended successfully!

demonstration photo

会期 2024年3月2日 (土) ~10日 (日)
会場 新潟日報メディアシップ 20F 展望フロア
住所 新潟県新潟市中央区万代3-1-1
時間 8:00〜23:00 (最終日は16:00まで)
休館日 会期中無休
入場料 無料

This photo exhibition has been introduced in various media.

1st Najomo Photo Club Photo Exhibition at CO-CO Photosalon in Ginza (ended)

The Najomo Photo Club first photo exhibition “Yonmaru ran through Uonuma” was held at CO-CO PHOTO SALON in Ginza, Tokyo until Thursday, December 7, 2023 .

photography of Eri Sato
Professional cameramans, Takashi Sato and our Kotake
A photo from the first photo exhibition at Ginza Pictolico, which was attended by famous proffesional cameramans.


1)Mr. Kotake have been took pictures of the China -North Korean border, which has very scary images. Will you criticize our photos taken at your photo exhibition?


My job is to findout the good-point in the submitted photos, not to point out the flaws. It is my opinion that I respect the photos submitted by our members to the fullest extent as possible.

2)I don’t have a very good impression of “Toritetsu (amature shooter of the trains)”. I’m worried that I will be labeled like that because I belong to your organization.


It is true that the image of a “amature shooter of the trains” has been undermined by the influence of the media.
However, when it comes to filming the Tadami Line in Uonuma, other than the “event trains,” it is not crowded and there are no conflicts during filming. I think one reason for this is that many of our members are residents of Uonuma.

3)Do I need to pay a membership fee, and is it compulsory to attend regular meetings?


There are no membership fees or regular meetings. There is nothing wrong with everyone participating when they can. In fact, we welcome such people.

4)I’m a middle-aged office hard worker as wedge slave, so I only get to take pictures of the Tadami Line once or twice a year. Still, I would like to participate in your Najomo photo exhibition. Is it possible?


Many of our current members have daily jobs and participate in photo exhibitions to the extent possible within the constraints of their day jobs. We look forward to welcoming you.

5)I’m a beginner. I watched one movie of a famous domestic photographer at Aizu and was so moved that I went to Tadami-Daiichi Bridge. So I tried to make some friends with Tetsu and talked to some experienced people, but as soon as I said “DENSYA(meaning electrified train)” everyone around me laughed at me. I do not get it. Isn’t your group a group that takes pictures of trains?


I understand exactly what you mean. To be more precise, the Tadami Line is not electrified, so it is not an electric train, but a diesel-powered train, so it would be more appropriate to call it a train as “KIDOSYA” or “RESYA”.
However, there is no difference in photographing railways, so our group does not care if the expressions are not accurate.

6)I’ve been a fan of local trains since the JNR days. To begin with, the Tadami Line is a railway that connects Niigata Prefecture and Fukushima Prefecture, but please tell us why you decided to make the Tadami Line exclusive to Niigata Prefecture.


As you asked, there is no distinction between the Niigata side and the Fukushima side on the Tadami Line.
This time, since I am born in Niigata Prefecture, I decided to create a drawing based on the Tadami Line, which runs within Niigata Prefecture. As part of this idea, I had the opportunity to interact with photographers working independently in Uonuma, and in addition to my own photos, I thought about showing off the photos of independent photographers in Uonuma.
Although we are currently in a state of groping in the dark, we believe that it would be great if we could express the goodness of Uonuma through the Tadami Line.

7)I’m a drinker” who likes drinking on trains rather than taking pictures. However, I am interested in your association’s activities, and I wonder if “Nomitetsu” would be a good member.


The drinkers are also welcome. Some members are more excited about drinking parties than taking photos, and some used to ride the Blue Train with a one cup(SAKE) or bourbon in hand. We will also teach you about delicious local sake in Niigata. One of the menber has a SAKE sommelier holder at Niigata!

8)If I belong to your photo group, is it prohibited to take pictures of the Tadami Line on the Fukushima Prefecture side?


This group is not a Showa-era athletic club, so there is no problem with it. Rather, please take some photos of the Tadami Line on the Fukushima Prefecture side and use that experience in your photos of Uonuma Tadami Line.

9)I searched the internet and found a lot of information about filming locations on the Aizu side, but I can not find about the filming location (Otachidai) on the Uonuma side. Could you please tell me a good shooting location?


Certainly, I am acutely aware of the lack of shooting points in Uonuma. As a side note, I would like to introduce you to a website that summarizes the shooting locations that the members were told about by local people.
Please note that this area is still unexplored, so please come visit Uonuma and explore it from your own perspective.

(guide of photospots of tadami line in uonuma,Niigata made by myu)

Mr. Kotake’s “Recommendations for shooting trains”

This is an archive of Kotake’s Niigata Nippo essays, a valuable article spanning a whopping 114 times.
Please take a look. (Sorry Japanese only)

Najomo diary (sorry Japanese only)

We post stories about our main activities, small drinking parties, and spin-outs.

Corresponding to
Norikazu Hagimura
TEL:+81-90-2206-9480 (mobile phone)